Friday, December 9, 2011

Original Lesson Plan for EESL501

Lesson Plan B:  Expand your Knowledge
                Evaluation of Scientific Articles and                       Organization of Materials

Grade Level:  Early Intermediate ELD (9th-12th grade)

Lesson Length:  Two sessions of 50 minutes each.

Instructional Plan:  Students will learn how to evaluate a news article, what the main idea is, and how to understand the content.  Students will also learn how to organize their learning process into a notebook.

Content Objectives:

1. To read scientific articles from National Geographic and comprehend texts.
      2. To understand unknown words and phrases.

Language Objective:

1. Write 1-2 proper sentences stating the main idea of an article.

Learning Strategy Objective:

1. Use graphic organizers to learn main ideas of articles.
2. Use a self-management strategy for vocabulary acquisition and organization.

Materials Required: 

A. Focus Sheet 1 – “Turtle Defender” (see N1 in footer)
B. Focus Sheet 2 – “Ape Anglers”
C. Focus Sheet 3 – “Your shot”
D. Focus Sheet 4 – “A World of Gestures”
E. Worksheet 1 - Brainstorm Word Chart
F. Worksheet 2 – Spider Map
G. Worksheet 3 – Main Idea Worksheet & Grading Guideline
H. A highlighter
I. Notebook with dividers, blank note cards and plastic case for note cards.

Warm-Up: The teacher presents the first article to the class; “Turtle Defender,” an Explorers Journal published by Jose Urueaga in National Geographic (November 2012).  

Session One:  The teacher reads the first article to the class.  Volunteers may read aloud as well.

Task Chain 1:  Reading the Article

1. While the teacher is reading, students follow along and highlight words and phrases that they do not understand in the article.
2. Together, the students and the teacher fill out Worksheet 1, “Brainstorm Word Chart.”
3. The teacher makes sure that everyone knows how to use the dictionary, online, in a dictionary, or on their phones.
4. The teacher hands out Worksheet 2, “Spider Map,” and completes in class with students.

Task Chain 2:  Learning to Learn

1. Independently, students will use note cards to write down the words/phrases that they did not know from Worksheet 1, “Brainstorm Word Chart.”
2. In partners, students will quiz each other on the words.
3. Using the in-class completed Worksheet 2, students will independently write one to two sentences about the main idea of Focus Sheet 1, “Turtle Defender,” in the first column of Worksheet 3, “Main Idea.”

Task Chain 3:  Using What You Know

1. Students will form pairs and assemble their notebooks with a section for Focus Sheets, Worksheets, and their note cards.
2. Teacher will observe and offer organizational help.
3. Students will read their main idea sentences from Worksheet 3 to each other.

Task Chain 4:  Using Your Skill

1. Students will read Focus Sheet 2, “Ape Anglers,” and Focus Sheet 3, “Ape Anglers.”
2. Students will highlight the words they don’t know and complete the Brainstorm Word Chart independently.
3. Students will complete Worksheet 2, “Spider Map,” for each article.
4. Students will emphasize the main idea by writing one to two sentences for each article on Worksheet 3, “Main Idea.”
5. Students will organize their note cards, along with their articles and worksheets, into a binder that will be used the whole year.
6. Teacher will show Focus Sheet 4, “A World of Gestures,” and go over with class (something fun).

Formative Assessment:

Task Chain 1:  Students will be able to use a chart to                     understand what they need to learn.
Task Chain 2:  Students will learn and practice new words
Task Chain 3:  Students write one to two clear sentences                   about the main idea of the article.
Task Chain 4:  Students demonstrate organization skills and                turn in completed folder.

Summative Assessment: Students demonstrate content knowledge of articles by writing sentences.  A grading guide is provided on Worksheet 3.  Students will demonstrate organizational abilities by completing notebook with all materials required.

 Focus Sheet 1
“Turtle Defender”

Instructions:  Listen closely while I read the article below.  Highlight any words or phrases you don’t know or understand.


 Worksheet 1Brainstorm Word Chart

Word or Phrase
What do you think it means?
What does it really mean?

Worksheet 2
Spider Map

Worksheet 3
Main Idea Worksheet & Grading Guideline

Instructions:  Using Worksheet 2, the Spider Map, write 1-2 sentences about the main idea of the article.  See below for grading criteria for this assignment.

Main Idea
Teacher Check

A =  The main idea is correct, sentence is complete, properly punctuated, and free from spelling errors. sentence is complete, properly punctuated.B = The main idea is mostly correct. The sentence is complete and, for the most part, is properly punctuated and free from spelling errors.C = The main idea is at least partially correct. The sentence may or may not be complete, properly punctuated, or free from spelling errors.D = The main idea is incorrect. The sentence may or may not be complete, properly punctuated, or free from spelling errors.

Focus Sheet 2
Ape Anglers

Focus Sheet 3
Your Shot

Focus Sheet 4
World Gestures (Just for Fun!)

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